LearningPal.org is a not-for-profit organization run entirely by volunteers that help young learners in grades 1, 2, and 3 who have fallen behind with their reading. Our tutors are all high school students looking to contribute to their community and to build additional skills that they’ll use in their own life journey.
Our goal is to help Junior Learners from underserved communities improve their reading while helping Tutors develop their leadership and organizational skills as they progress in their learning journey. We take great pride in being able to help spark a love of reading and give a confidence boost to help students.
We are still growing, but the benefits to both tutors and junior learners are undeniable. Junior learners who have taken part in our program have improved their reading ability, built more confidence, and have generally increased their interest in reading. And our tutors, who show up with such enthusiasm and commitment are building leadership and problem-solving skills as well as leading by example. They understand that community service is important and makes us all better.
A little support goes a long way.